Lend a Helping Hand

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”Albert Einstein, Physicist


You can help support RESQ and animal welfare by donating through one of the options below. Donations help RESQ feed, clean, give medical care, build and deliver shelters, train, and re-home stray animals. We care mostly for dogs and cats, but have also given aid to horses, donkeys, chickens, ducks, quail, guinea pigs, goats, rabbits, and other animals. We will never turn away an animal in need.


Donations sent to PayPal reach us directly, with minimal fees. This account is the personal PayPal of one of the founders.


GFM is a trusted funding institution that sends donations every 24hours with money clearing to our local bank account every 2-3 days.

(Coming Soon)

The founders of RESQ are using cryptocurrencies to build a long-term project that is sustainable and community driven. Crypto donations will be held for use in the future.


We give our donors an equal 1 to 1 exchange of online coins for their donations. These coins can be used HERE in exchange for Zeemz game tokens, land purchase with the Registry, autographed Pu'Shing Bhu'Tons novels by the award winning author Monique Finley, and MORE!

There is more than just sending money to help us out! If you don't want to, or can't, reach for your wallet then try out some of our other options and donate some time instead:

Videos (Coming Soon)

Earn money for RESQ while you watch cute animal videos! TGAIN 21st is our video publisher and has been donating videos (of us) to our youtube channel! Please excuse the video quality, they literally only have a 1.2 mb upload speed where we are and are still trying to produce videos for us. Thanks TGAIN 21st!


You must subscribe to our channel if you want us to get the rewards from your views. It's FREE, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

New Spanish Padenkos

Comfy Kitty

Comfy Kitty Part 2

RIP Aubrey, Diva Kitty

Nap Time

Lydia and Sampson, Medical Alert Pair

RIP Sampson ¨Kitty¨

Yoda Lydia

Miners (Coming Soon)

Miners are pages that you can open in your internet browser that will run a program in the background while you work on other projects. These programs mine cryptocurrency pennies over time that RESQ is then able to trade in for regular currency.





Games (Coming Soon)

Earn money for RESQ while you play games! Seems too good to be true right? Wrong! Moe hooked us up so that you can help us earn money just by playing the games below.



